Our baptismal covenant professes that we will serve Jesus Christ, our Lord, in partnership with all of God’s people. Your work is crucial as part of a team, sharing your hands, hearts, minds, and feet with the church, Christ’s Body, to make disciples, offer forgiveness, and love our neighbor.
Our Nominations team is doing the work of discernment as we name Church Leadership for 2025. We seek those God is calling to live into their baptismal covenant and membership vows to faithfully participate in church ministries through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. We invite you to share your willingness to serve as we prepare for the Charge Conference on October 21, sharing our 2025 Church Leadership. Five teams require new people this year:
1. Leadership Team
2. Staff-Parish Team
3. Finance Team
4. Nominations Team
5. Trustees
Additionally, we seek people to serve in areas of ministry that our church has designed for our specific context. These include but are not limited to the preschool board and children’s ministry team.
Throughout the Fall months, you will hear more about our ministries and ways to participate by sharing your time, talent, and treasure. Please pray God will use you to help Westminster fulfill its mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ now and always.
In Christ's Service,
Pastor Dennis